Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

10 World's Most Dangerous Animals

10. Kodok Racun Panah

Toad the size of this mini emang danger. My back they are full of neurotoxin in the mucus, with the aim to keep the predators averse. Each frog produces enough toxin to kill 10 humans.

9. Cape Buffalo

When dealing with predators, Buffalo is going to attack with his horns. Animals weighing more pounds rata2 700an has two big horns and pointy. Kalo ga sih cuman a problem, imagine there are a bunch coming to attack you, how horror?

8. Beruang Kutub

Indeed, at the zoo plasticity funny, but in the wild, they can eat sea lions for breakfast. Your body could be ripped two easily with just one swing of his giant paws!

7. Gajah

Not all wealthy friendly elephant Dumbo! Every year there are 500 people who died gara2 killed elephants. African elephants generally weigh about 8 tons and imagine if that much weight nginjak our bodies, not to mention the sharp gadignya

6. Buaya Laut Australia

Beware, they can be disguised very well as dead wood, diem float, waiting for passers-by and tiba2 wrote, he was jumping prey, brought down water, and cut pake-sharp teeth that ... hiiiii

5. Singa Afrika

Giant fangs: There, Gerak Kilat: Yes, sharp claws: No doubt, Hungry?: Hohohohooh .. hati2. This giant cat hunters are almost perfect.

4. Hiu Putih Raksasa

A drop of blood in the water can make fish tiba2 this one so vicious. 3RIBU teeth in his mouth and will bite anything that moves!

3. Ubur-ubur Kotak Australia

Also known as the sea wasp, this salad bowl-sized ubur2 can have 60 tentacles 15 feet long, and tiap2 tentacles stinging cells can have up to 5 THOUSAND cells, and has enough venom to kill 60 humans. So the total .. 60 times 60 people could die gara2 a ubur2.

2. Kobra Asia

It's not the most poisonous snakes, but most people who died because of snake, the snake is a beautiful act (for some people) this. Of the 50,000 cases die each year more than 70% is the responsibility of this Asian cobra

1. Nyamuk
Shocked? Requested by the life of this insect can be as high as two million people per year worldwide. High? yes indeed not from the bite, but from the diseases it carries, Malaria, dengue and several other dangerous diseases.

Tiger Beetle The Black Leopard

Panther is a black leopard even though have different fur that is black. People often think of a panther as a distinct species of tiger. But in fact, a panther is one species and only a variant of the leopard (Panthera pardus).

Tiger beetles are often found as a variant of Java leopard (Panthera pardus weld). Panther or tiger is often also referred to as black are also frequently found as a variant of the leopard subspecies india (Panthera pardus fusca).

Because it is the same species, the tiger tutulbiasa a spotty brown furry black with a black panther can perform marriages produced children sometimes colored and sometimes a black leopard.
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Black panther or tiger is a variant of the leopard
Characteristics and Behavior Tiger Beetle. Because it is the same species as leopards, panthers have the traits and behaviors that are similar to the leopard. It's just hair looks black panther in full. Panther fur that turns into a black pigment is caused by melanistik as a form of adaptation of the dense forest habitat and dark.
When examined, the color of the panther is not entirely black. There is a development-shaped spots or freckles darker than the hair is basically a shiny black color. The pattern of dark spots are more easily observed when under bright light.
Java leopard (Panthera pardus weld) have body sizes ranging from 90-150 cm with a height of 60-95 cm. Body weight range 40-60 kg. And as other types of leopard, tiger beetles are nocturnal animals (activity at night), good at climbing and swimming.
Panther was a carnivorous animal that preys on prey such as deer, long-tailed monkeys, wild boar, deer and gibbons Java, Java hedgehog, Javan langur and black. The solitary life with a space (territorial) between 5-25 km 2 and can survive up to age 23 years.
Distribution, Population, and Conservation. Java leopard (Panthera pardus weld) as a variant of Java which is a leopard subspecies of leopard found only on the island of Java. In addition to commonly observed in java leopard, panther variants are also frequently found in india leopard (Panthera pardus fusca).
Currently panthers survive in several different areas such as the National Park (TN) Ujung Kulon, TN. Mist Mountain Salak, and TN. Mount Gede (West Java), and in TN. Meru Betiri, Baluran, and Alas Purwo East Java. Total population (including the furry brown leopard Java) is estimated to range between 250-500 tails.
Because of a declining population and an increasingly narrow habitat due to deforestation and conversion of forests, IUCN Redlist include leopards Java, including the panther, the conservation status of Critically Endangered (Critical). It is also included in the CITES Appendix I which means that should not be traded.
In Indonesia panthers as leopards any variant including protected animals from extinction by Law no. 5 of 1990 and PP. 7 of 1999.
Well, if it is now clear that a black panther or tiger is not a separate species and is simply a variant of the leopard, continue what about the white tiger?. Other times we just discussed.

tiger lion mating with its results Liger

For English-speaking people, wild animals crossbred following called "Liger," a fusion of Lion (lion) and Tiger (tiger). If in Indonesia may be abbreviated "Sican" (lion tiger).

It could be said of animals "imitation," the result of cross breeding between tiger with a lion. Any child they produce mulatto, as was the case in a captive breeding in Taiwan.

Owner captivity revealed the birth of three tails Sican, Sunday, August 15, 2010. This is the result of mating a male lion with a tiger (tiger) females.

"Lions and tigers had been placed in the same cage since they were kids around more than six years ago," said the owner, Huang Kuo-nan, as quoted by Australian media pages,

Huang pleaded not ready with the birth of three tails Sican it. As a result, a child was immediately Sican died shortly after birth.

However, authorities in the province of Tainan is ready to reward a penalty for Huang, amounting to 50,000 Taiwan dollars (about Rp14 million). Because, Huang violated the law by not telling them earlier about the existence of the lion and tiger.

According to the daily pages of Taiwan, Apple, there are only about 10 head Sican around the world. Sican male can grow bigger than the lions in general.

Tigers That Crying While Evacuated

Evacuation to the tiger's cage by connecting iron to a trap. Previously, the way it failed because the incidence of possession of a tiger handler.
Evacuation effort was repeated until successful with the help of local youth. Evacuation tigress who has been arrested four days ago since it takes a long time because of the "King of the Forest" does not want to move into an iron cage.
Once antarkandang connected and each cage door was opened, the tiger initially reluctant to even sit down and seem to move.
In fact, the tiger was crying and nodding when the handler told him to move. Looks like going dialogue between the handler and the tiger is called "Inar" it.
"Usually it happens because the conditions were not met entirely," said Buyung (40), a local resident who claimed to meet often with other tiger in the woods.
He said, pascapenangkapan tiger must be held, among other things, silat "Ulu Ambek" (traditional arts) and traditional drum tattoo.
Tigers do not want to move, he said, because the martial arts and held a new tattoo, while the tradition of "Ulu Ambek" not held.
How to move a tiger like that, said Chief BKSDA Agusril West Sumatra, based on public demand.
Supposedly, he says, to evacuate the tiger by the anesthetized in order not to endanger others. "But people move antarkandang alone so as not to hurt the tiger would be fatal for the people according to their belief," he said.
He admitted the first time to evacuate the tiger through the ceremonial first until a few days. In addition, residents also have received compensation amounting to Rp 15 million in lieu of operational costs during the catch and make a cage for the tiger.
The tiger who successfully evacuated on Tuesday night and then taken to the location of Tiger Conservation in Zoos Bukittinggi to be treated and quarantined.
Tigers estimated five-year-old was arrested on Saturday (07/09/2011) by giving the bait a goat into a cage built of tree trunks formed a peg without nails.
Planning tiger arrest has been made since six months ago. Therefore, residents complained of lost livestock because animals eat it.

Sumatran tiger reintroduction

PALEMBANG, Sumatran tiger will be relocated to the island parakeet, a small island in the Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, on Tuesday (2 / 8), this afternoon. Seven-year-old tigress was captured from their natural habitat in the concession area of plantation forests (HTI) of PT Sumber Hijau Permai (SHP), South Sumatra, about two months ago. The area is located near the National Park Sembilang is indeed the original habitat of the endangered species.

Currently, the existence of tigers in their natural habitat are increasingly being pressured by land clearing. The arrest followed the killing of tigers two employees of PT SHP for tiger attacks. The relocation meant that large-bodied animals that no longer interfere with human activities in the area of ​​plantation subsidiary PT Sinar Mas.

"The island was chosen because of its rich parrot game animals, water, and it is a habitat for tigers. It's also separate from the mainland of Sumatra," said Ernita of the Public Relations of PT Sinar Mas.

To monitor the presence of tigers, necklaces GPS tracking device has been installed on that animal. The plan, the release will be attended by Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan, Governor of South Sumatra Alex Noerdin, Regent also Banyuasin Amirudin Inoed.