Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Tigers That Crying While Evacuated

Evacuation to the tiger's cage by connecting iron to a trap. Previously, the way it failed because the incidence of possession of a tiger handler.
Evacuation effort was repeated until successful with the help of local youth. Evacuation tigress who has been arrested four days ago since it takes a long time because of the "King of the Forest" does not want to move into an iron cage.
Once antarkandang connected and each cage door was opened, the tiger initially reluctant to even sit down and seem to move.
In fact, the tiger was crying and nodding when the handler told him to move. Looks like going dialogue between the handler and the tiger is called "Inar" it.
"Usually it happens because the conditions were not met entirely," said Buyung (40), a local resident who claimed to meet often with other tiger in the woods.
He said, pascapenangkapan tiger must be held, among other things, silat "Ulu Ambek" (traditional arts) and traditional drum tattoo.
Tigers do not want to move, he said, because the martial arts and held a new tattoo, while the tradition of "Ulu Ambek" not held.
How to move a tiger like that, said Chief BKSDA Agusril West Sumatra, based on public demand.
Supposedly, he says, to evacuate the tiger by the anesthetized in order not to endanger others. "But people move antarkandang alone so as not to hurt the tiger would be fatal for the people according to their belief," he said.
He admitted the first time to evacuate the tiger through the ceremonial first until a few days. In addition, residents also have received compensation amounting to Rp 15 million in lieu of operational costs during the catch and make a cage for the tiger.
The tiger who successfully evacuated on Tuesday night and then taken to the location of Tiger Conservation in Zoos Bukittinggi to be treated and quarantined.
Tigers estimated five-year-old was arrested on Saturday (07/09/2011) by giving the bait a goat into a cage built of tree trunks formed a peg without nails.
Planning tiger arrest has been made since six months ago. Therefore, residents complained of lost livestock because animals eat it.

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